In January 2018 I formed Potatiskonsult Åsa Rölin AB, which offers services in the field of potatoes and vegetables. My name is Åsa Rölin and I have a Master in science in Horticulture and have worked as Extension Officer and projects in vegetables and potatoes since 1985. I have a long experience of potato cultivation and a large network within the industry. I work with advice and consulting services in the field of potatoes and vegetables. In collaboration with the potato advisers Lars Danielsson Tuber Ad and Lisa Andrae Rådhuset Nordfalan, we give advice to potato growers. Together we reach farmers throughout the country. Potatiskonsult Åsa Rölin offers cultivation planning, advice in cultivation issues, evaluation, newletters, market information and courses for professional potato growers. Arranges and participates in courses and field walks with potatoes and vegetables as a theme. Participates and runs R&D projects and write regulary in the paper Viola Potatis
Potatiskonsult Åsa Rölin also offers lectures on potatoes and vegetables for professional growers, large-scale households, hobbyists and consumers. I have a large network in the industry and are well awere with what it means to run a farm. Together with my husband Lars Björsell and our employees we grow, store and pack potatoes on Bodaholm’s farm, Säffle, Värmlandsnäs. Read more about Bodaholm’s farm I have a great interest about potatoes on a interntional level and I visit regulary potato meetings or events in other countries.